Hi! I'm Vicki and I'm so glad you're here!
Choosing a Spiritual Director to walk with you as you seek God's presence is an important decision. While words on a page can't convey all you need to know about a potential director, it's a start. So, here goes...
I'm a native Nashvillian, raised in the Southern Baptist tradition. I was deeply involved with the church as a youth and teenager. Upon graduation from high school I chose to go to Lipscomb University, not knowing anything about the school except that it gave me a nice scholarship. God must having been belly laughing because I thought I was escaping my regimented, evangelical, Baptist upbringing! While at Lipscomb I encountered a different theology and was told that I had to join the Church of Christ to be truly saved. So I did, and I was baptized again just for good measure! After three years, I left Lipscomb and completed my education at MTSU. The church was no longer a part of my life.
A few years later, after marrying my husband, we joined Woodmont Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a kind of melting pot of denominations and we both found a true home there for our family. As our kids became teens, we moved our membership to Brentwood United Methodist to be closer to where we lived and they attended school. Oh, and I also attended a house church for a while during Covid. Yep, I've been around the church/denominational block with several mainline denominations and alternative worship options.
So, why do I tell you all this?
Having come to spiritual direction after a wonderful career in the business world, I have found my heart's true home. Because I, possibly like you, have been on a long journey to find who I truly am in God's eyes. Trust me, it's been a lot of one step forward and two steps back! I think I've done most of the things I said "I would never do" and wondered if God could still love me, or was even still there. I immersed myself in the busyness of life and career to the point where I lost who I was and what was important. But God was gracious and introduced me to spiritual direction and a way back to Him (or Her if you prefer). It was through sitting in silence and intentional guidance from my director that I found space to be fully present and to see where God has been in my life all along. What a gift!
When I'm not sitting with my directees (the formal term for the companions I journey with), I spend time herding my grandkids to avoid disaster, running the roads and trails of Nashville, gardening, reading (mostly fiction), laughing with my husband and kids, and having the occasional (ok, maybe daily) glass of wine.
I'm a native Nashvillian, raised in the Southern Baptist tradition. I was deeply involved with the church as a youth and teenager. Upon graduation from high school I chose to go to Lipscomb University, not knowing anything about the school except that it gave me a nice scholarship. God must having been belly laughing because I thought I was escaping my regimented, evangelical, Baptist upbringing! While at Lipscomb I encountered a different theology and was told that I had to join the Church of Christ to be truly saved. So I did, and I was baptized again just for good measure! After three years, I left Lipscomb and completed my education at MTSU. The church was no longer a part of my life.
A few years later, after marrying my husband, we joined Woodmont Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), a kind of melting pot of denominations and we both found a true home there for our family. As our kids became teens, we moved our membership to Brentwood United Methodist to be closer to where we lived and they attended school. Oh, and I also attended a house church for a while during Covid. Yep, I've been around the church/denominational block with several mainline denominations and alternative worship options.
So, why do I tell you all this?
Having come to spiritual direction after a wonderful career in the business world, I have found my heart's true home. Because I, possibly like you, have been on a long journey to find who I truly am in God's eyes. Trust me, it's been a lot of one step forward and two steps back! I think I've done most of the things I said "I would never do" and wondered if God could still love me, or was even still there. I immersed myself in the busyness of life and career to the point where I lost who I was and what was important. But God was gracious and introduced me to spiritual direction and a way back to Him (or Her if you prefer). It was through sitting in silence and intentional guidance from my director that I found space to be fully present and to see where God has been in my life all along. What a gift!
When I'm not sitting with my directees (the formal term for the companions I journey with), I spend time herding my grandkids to avoid disaster, running the roads and trails of Nashville, gardening, reading (mostly fiction), laughing with my husband and kids, and having the occasional (ok, maybe daily) glass of wine.